Thursday, 14 February 2019


was established bylaw upon an equal basis with that of its Mother; the
Church of Rome. After various debates, the following memorable
acta were passed, on the 25th of Sept. that the Protestants should be
for the future entirely exempt from the jurisdiction of the Roman
Pontiff, and from the authority and superintendance of the Bishops;
that they should have perfect liberty to enact laws for ihemselve?,
relating to their religious sentiments, discipline, and worship; that all
German subjects should judge for themselves in religious matters, and
join what church they please; and, that all who should injure or persecute
any person under religious pretexts should be proceeded against
as public enemies of the empire, invaders cf its liberty, and disturbers
of its peace· The foundation of this church is laid in the Confession
of Augsburg, which was read before the Diet of the German empire,
assembled in that city JuneiiO, 1530, by Christian Bayer, Chancellor
of Saxony. It differs least of all the national churches from the Mother
in point of doctrine. Lutheranism, however, has undergone some
alterations since the days of Martin. He rejected the epistlo of St.
James as inconsistent with the doctrine of St. Paul in relation to justification,
that IF, in his opinion· Why he did not reject Paul as inconsistent
with James, is apparent from his maintaining the doctrine
of St. Augustine and the Greek Church on predestination in which he
believed. He also sot aside the Apocalypse; because it is probable,
he could not understand it. Dr. Martin and Dr. Sleigh perfectly
coincide on the subject of justification, which Luther asserts is solely
by the imputation of the merits and satisfaction of Christ. Justification
by faith alone* which all "orthodox" reZtgumu/j plead for now; no wonder
they and their friend Luther dislike St. James1 epistle. In common
with the Greek Church» the Lutherans believe in Cojisubslantiaiion
affirming that the body and blood of Christ are materially present is
the sacrament of the Lord's Supper» though in an incomprehensible
manner. They approve of images in churches, distinguishing vestments
of the ctargy, the private confession of sins, the use of wafers
in the eucharbit, ihe form of exorcism in baptism, as tolerable, and
some useful. The superior power is vested in a consistory, over which
there is a president, with a distinction of rank and privileges, and a subordination
of inferior clergy to their superiors, different from the parity
of Presbyleri&ntsm. Perfectly papistical! Such is the Politico- fcccle·
«astical organization of this revolted province of the Pope's Spiritual
But the dawn of liberty was not confined to Germany alone, other
nations began to partake of its blessings; for the change of religious
despotism from a sterner to a milder form, though the civil authority
should remain the same, is certainly a blessin?. Soon after Luther's
rupture with Rome, Olaua Petri, one of his disciples, introduced his
opinions into Sweden. Fortunately Pern's efforts were powerfully
seconded by Gustavus Vasa Ericsnn, tho King. This renowned hero
regarded Luther's doctrines as favorable to the temporal state and
political constitution of the Swedish Dominions, lie caused Petri's
translation of the Bible to be circulated to prepare tho'wav fora
change· of the national Religion, in 1527, the question was debated
in the Assembly of the States at Westeraa?, Romanism or Lutheran'
ism the Religion of the Slate?—The Clergy in general and the Lordly
Bishops in particular vehemently opposed nny change, the resolution
in favor of Lutheranism, however, was passed chiefly by the magnanimity
and firmness of the King, who declared pub jcly, that ho would
lay down his Sceptre and retire from his kingdom, rather than rule
a people enslaved to the orders and authority of '.he Pope, and more
controlled by the tyranny of their bishops, than the laws of their
monarch. Thus the Papal Empire in Sweden was overturned, and
the King acted thenceforward as head of the

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