Thursday, 14 February 2019


The sceptre of this personage extends over all those countries comprehended within the bounds of Christendom, or more properly
ftpeakin? Antichrijtendom. Anciently his authority was more absolute
and his dominion more extensive than now. Arabia, Egypt,
Palestine, Syria, Persia, Asia Minor, part of Africa, and the East
Indies, as well as all the Turkish dominions submitted to his sway.
But in the 7th century a power an se in the east that wrested all
these countries from him, and having confined him to the limits of
the Western World, established the KINGDOM OF MOHAMMED in his
stead. In 1492, Christopher Colurr bus led the way to the New
World, which His Antichristian Majesty as "Sovereign of the whole
world"* claimed as his own. And time has proved that He has made
rood his claim to the two Americas. In the Mohammedan countries
bis subjects are merely tolerated by the proud and contemptuous
Turk; who besieged and took Constantinople in the middle of the
13th century.
For upwarJ* of two centuries or more after A. D. 315 the Antichristian
Empire was convulsed by the absurd opinions of two ambitious
ecclesiastics, Athanasius and Arius; giving rise to heresies,
which even now divide the Antichristian world. Tired of this, their
divinities, the priests, began to take tire about "the procession of the
Holy Ghost." The Pope excommunicated the Patriarch, and the
Patriarch the Pope, each denying the validity of the ordination of the
other. Here arose a critical state of things, to wit, through whom
did the Holy Ghost proceed, in episcopal ordination, through the
Patriarch or the I ope?! If through the Patriarch, then all who were
ordained by the Pope had not received the Holy Ghost; and if through
the Pope, then all must come to him, and acknowledge him as "Universal
Bishop," God's Vicegerent, Christ's Vicar on earth, the true
successor of St. Peter, through whom alone, and those on whom he
•hould confer the power by the imposition of his "holy hand's," the
Holy Ghost could be transmitted! But are the Pope and Patriarch»
the only ambitious priests who arrogate to themselves the Imnsmissibility
of the Holy Ghost through their precious solves? Oh! no; every
tittle priest of the Protestant sects pretends to the same. They papistically
imagine that they have received a something which we lay··
men an they style us, have not; constituting them * ambassadors of
Christ"—"ministers of God"—"stewards of the mysteries"—•'reverend
divines*'—'Successors of the Apostles"—"God's heritage, or
clergymen;"-and empowering them alone to "administer ordinances."
These are characteristics of the clergy of "every name and denomination
"of Antichristians; and in addition to the sign given, sure and
infallible mark* of tho servants of Antichrist.
It remained for Michael Cerularins. t'attiarch of Constantinople,
and Leo IX , the Roman Pontiff, in the middle of the 11th century,
to split into two great factions tho Antichristian Kingdom. The
Pope, by his Legate», excommunicated the Patriarch in the very
church of Santa Sophia (now a Mohammedan Mo?que); from this
time the mutual hatred between the Greeks and Latin? became insuperable,
so that they have ever since constituted two separate communions,
under the names of the Eastern, or Greek Church and the
Western, or Roman Church. We shall notice them in order.

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