Monday, 4 February 2019

orthodoxy is the apostasy

orthodoxy is the apostasy

the apostasy meaning fall away from the truth

the apostasy begin in the year 190AD with Pope Victor I

By the fourth century Christianity had become, by the decree of the Emperor Constantine, the official religion of the State with the Bishop of Rome the "head of all the churches". The clergy organised themselves in­to an elaborate system of priesthood, and discouraged the common peo­ple from privately studying the Scriptures. They kept the people ignorant of the Scriptures, set aside the doctrine of Christ's Millennial reign on earth and introduced doctrines such as the Trinity, Immortality of the Soul, Hell Torments and Heaven-going. They taught that" the world would be ultimately converted by the Roman Church and that the Pope and the clergy were to be revered as God's representatives on earth.

The docrinal foundations upon which orthodox Christianity rests are not those of the First Century Ecclesia. Its teaching is a mixture of errors which produces the works of the flesh and not the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:17-26). Thus orthodox Christianity is powerless to save from sin and death.
Error crept into the early ecclesias because the Truth requires sacrifice and discipline, which has no appeal to fleshly minded people (Matt. 7:14Rom. 8:7-8). Corruption from "The Way" occurred because the corrupters made appeal to:—
The lusts and desires of the flesh (2 Pet. 2:18-22Jude 4)
The human imagination (Jude 8)
The pride of life (Jude 161 Tim. 6:4-5)
The desire for riches, comfort and a release from earnestly contending for the faith (2 Pet. 2:32 Tim. 3:1-81 Tim. 6:10).
In 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul describes this system as "the man of sin", with the Pope at its head "sitting in the temple of God showing himself that he is God" (vv. 3-4). Its confessionals, purgatory, indulgences, celibacy, image worship and relics have well-earned it the description "the working of Satan with all the power and signs and lying wonders" (v.9). Though lasting for many years it will be destroyed at Christ's com­ing (v.8).

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